Dr. Thea M Blystone, PharmD

Thea M. Blystone, PharmD practices as a clinical consulting pharmacist, specializing within Primary Care settings. Dr. Blystone’s collaboration ensures physicians meet and often exceed quality metrics resulting in outstanding patient care outcomes.

Her pharmacy background helped facilitate the creation of TM Pharmacy Consulting, LLC in 2019. Leadership skills were nurtured extensively throughout 15 years of practice with 5+ years as a hospital pharmacy supervisor. Specialized experiences in remote MTM pharmacy services and retail pharmacy staffing have helped strengthen and grow her business.

Despite difficult times and challenges faced with the Covid 19 pandemic, she has pivoted her business tactics to optimize telehealth medicine, successfully utilizing an area of opportunity to assist providers improving quality metrics and ultimately increasing revenue. Her efforts have resulted in both provider satisfaction along with positive patient encounters.

In addition to her own successful entrepreneurship, she has mentored fellow pharmacists in advancing their business ideas producing pharmacy consulting business.

Thea’s interests consist of not only advancing the practice of pharmacy into remote prospects but also leveraging expertise as a pharmacist to guide patients for exceptional outcomes with remote pharmacy services, like RPM & CCM.

Her success in business overlaps her personal interests as she enjoys reading personal development books in her free time. She can often be found engrossed in a novel while camping in the great outdoors with her husband, children, and dogs.

Thea is happy to partner with your primary care office, assist in quality goals, all while offering superior patient care as well as private pharmacist coaching to explore more of what pharmacy has to offer.

Please contact her for additional information.

You can reach Thea at: [email protected] .

About TM Pharmacy Consulting

At TM Pharmacy Consulting I know that you want to be a successful pharmacist with a fulfilling career. In order to do that, you need a healthy work-life balance and time to connect with your patients.
 The problem is you have stress coming at you from every angle all day long which makes you feel stretched way too thin and often leaves you feeling under-appreciated and drained.

I believe you should love your pharmacy career.

I know how it feels to work in a job that puts unrealistic expectations on you. There’s only so much you can handle in a day and yet it’s never enough. You deserve so much more, which is why I want to walk you through how I built my remote pharmacy business. With me as a coach by your side, and a clear plan to help you create a patient-centered, recurring-revenue pharmacy business, I know you can find the work-life balance you need and finally enjoy the rewards of a career that is truly meant for you

Here’s how we’ll do it:

- Schedule an appointment.

- I’ll create a customized plan for you.

- We’ll put your plan into action so you can start to look forward to going to work in the mornings again.

So, schedule an appointment today. And in the meantime, download my free guide: How to start your remote pharmacy services business so you can stop drowning in burnout and instead be truly fulfilled in your career. Not only that, you’ll finally have guilt-free time to be with family and create those special memories that make everything worthwhile.

“We greatly appreciate your efforts in bringing this innovative, collaborative model of care to our small rural county!”

— P.M.



Most healthcare professionals are stretched way too thin to feel fulfilled in their career, so I’ve created a way to help them build a remote pharmacy business centered around personalized patient care so they can enjoy the rewards of a career that is truly meant for them.

© 2023 Thea Blystone | Site by Momentum Agency