The Power of Community in Navigating Pharmacy Career Changes

The Power of Community in Navigating Pharmacy Career Changes

January 12, 20242 min read

Making a major career shift can feel lonely and overwhelming. One day you were a hospital pharmacist immersed in familiar systems and routines. The next, you plunged into the world of telehealth entrepreneurship filled with uncertainty. I’ve been there too. That’s why I believe embracing community helps ensure career change success.

Imposter Syndrome Happen To Us All

When I left my staff pharmacist role to launch a remote patient care company, imposter syndrome crept in often. My mind raced with questions and doubts like:

Am I really qualified to guide patients virtually? How do I build an ideal tech stack from scratch? What if no providers want to collaborate? Is the effort even worth leaving stability behind?

Imposter syndrome - Am I a fraud? | BDJ Team

Community Creates Confidence

In those moments of panic, connecting with fellow trailblazers changed everything. My community of pharmacists navigating similar transitions offered camaraderie, wisdom and proof it was possible. Whenever obstacles arose, I had a team cheering me on and sharing creative solutions. I knew I didn't have to figure it all out alone.

Community instills confidence, accountability and practical peer support. It surrounds you with empowering mindsets so scarcity thinking falls away. You witness others pressing forward through the career unknown just like you. You soak up collective knowledge that accelerates progress exponentially.

Are You Excited, Yet Terrified? Perfect!

Does the thought of changing pharmacy careers excite yet terrify you? I felt that too. But taking small steps to build relationships could make the difference between thriving and burning out. Progress compounds when you plug into the power of community.

The Pivot Program Is The Right Next Step

That’s why I’ve created the Pivot Program - to share the exact remote care frameworks I used while providing guidance, tools and connections that ease your transition from overwhelmed to empowered.

Reach out anytime to learn more.

You were made for this!

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